
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Joomla 3.1 – Control Panel, Global Configurations and User Manager

Joomla 3.1 – Control Panel, Global Configurations and User Manager


1) Go to your Joomla! Administrator Page.

1.1) Add the word “administrator” to the URL Address.
1.2) Enter your login credentials and click Login.
1.3) You are now logged in as Super User.
Notice that the Start Page shows the recently added articles, logged-in users, quick links, Sub Menu and System Menu.

2) Control Panel.

2.1) The first page that you see is called Control Panel. You can access the page at any time using the top menu System/Control Panel.

3) Global Configuration.

3.1) In the Top Menu, select System/Global Configuration.
3.2) Change the Site Name to “My First Site”. Click Save button.
3.3) Outcome.

4) Permission Settings.

4.1) Click on Permission Settings tab.
This is where the access authorization is specified for the various types of user roles.

5) Create a new user.

5.1) In the Top Menu, select Users/User Manager/Add New User.
5.2) Enter “user1”
5.3) Click the “Assigned User Groups” tab.
5.4) Click Save button.
5.5) Logout of Administration Page.

6) Login as a New User.

6.1) Recall in Step 5.2, you have created new user named “user1”.
6.2) Enter “user1” login details.
6.3) Outcome.
6.3) Try login through the Front Page.
6.4) Outcome.
6.5) You can set various roles to this user by repeating Step 5.3)

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