
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Meaning of Application Software


Application Software (Malay: Perisian Aplikasi) is a category of software that performs specific tasks for end users. For example, graphics application software (often called as graphic software only) provides tools for users to do graphic-related works.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Difference between "Data" and "Information"

In day to day conversation, we sometimes used the terms "data" and "information" interchangeably as though there is no difference between the two words. From the perspective of Computer System, there is actually a difference between "data" and "Information".

Data is defined as facts about a something.

For example:
a. Cost of a pair of shoes is RM5,
b. Selling price for a pair of shoes is RM10,
c. Number of pairs of shoes in stock is 3.

All of the above statement refers to the fact that may exist in certain scenarios.

Information is defined as 1) the data have been processed and a 2) something useful in decision making.

For example in the scenario above, the important decisions that may be associated with this fact is "Is it profitable to sell shoes?"

To say "Yes" or "No", we need to process the data (a, b, and c) to produce the desired answer. In business studies, we know that the formula for SALES RETURN= QUANTITY x (PRICE - COST). If the result is positive, it means "profit". Instead, it means "lost".

We will process the data as follows:
Return on Sales = 3 x (10-5)
= 15

The result 15 is positive, therefore the transaction is profitable and the answer "yes".

In the above example, the number 15 is considered as "information" because it helps us to answer the question "Is it profitable to sell shoes?".

The meaning of "Computer System"

The word "system" refers to a combination of components that interact with one another to achieve the purpose for which it was established.

The term "Computer System" means a system designed to process information. In general, typical components of computer systems are as follows:

1) Software (Software).
Software contains a set of instructions to be followed by a computer.

2) Hardware (Hardware).
Hardware consists of electronic or electromechanical components that perform logical and physical tasks.

3) Data.
Data are facts given to a computer for processing information.

4) Procedure (Procedure).
The procedure contains a list of operational steps to be followed by the (human) operator.

5) Human Operator. Human operators are members of the system responsible for an information processing activities.

A computer system able to interact with other computer systems. Current technology, such as TCP / IP, allows each computer to be connected in a simple way to form "Computer Networks" (Malay: "Computer network").

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Monday, January 16, 2012

The meaning of the word Computer

Computer is any equipment, machinery or equipment that is used to process the information, based on a given procedure / instruction set.

Initially, the word computer means computing. Computer Machines were built to perform complex mathematical calculations. Advantage of computer machines are as follows: 1) fast, 2) accurate and 3) efficient memory management.

Most of the computer machines nowadays are still based on Jon Von Neumann architecture. This architecture states that the computer system should have four main parts: 1) Arithmetic Logic Unit, 2) The circuit controller, 3) memory, and 4) the device input / output.

What is Microsoft Access?

Microsoft Access is the software which is classified as a "database software" application ("database"). Database applications are used by users who want to collect and track information. For example, phone lists, guest lists, sales records or any other useful information.

Microsoft Access software has long been in the market. Among the most recent version is Microsoft Access 2010. This version can be used alone (standalone) or via a computer network (computer network).

Types of computer software


Computer software can be classified by category as follows:
1) Operating Systems
2) Application Development
3) Applications

Operating System Software (Category 1) ​​is very important for a computer machine to work while Application Development Software (Category 2) is used to develop the Application Software (Category 3)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The meaning of the word "software"

(Versi Melayu)

Software (or "computer program"), in the Malay language is known as "perisian" (or "program komputer"), refers to set of instructions that controls the computer machine activities.

The term software is used to differentiate it from the hardware components (computer systems generally consist of hardware, software, data, procedures and people). Hardware is the physical components that can be seen while the software is a logical component that can not be seen physically.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Accounting Information System 1 Revision 201201

Accounting Information System

Revision 201201

What is Information System? List its components.

IS – system to capture data, process, store, distribute, information.

Software, Hardware, Data, Procedure, People.

Discuss general problems of computer-based data capture and information processing.

information overload

error trapping

complicated audit trail

Distinguish Data and Information.

Data – raw facts of something

Information – processed data useful for decision making.

What is Source Document? Give an example.

Documents from where data are being captured for information processing. Example, invoice.

What is the importance of Source Document to accountants? Use Balance Sheet as an illustration.

Part of Audit Trail.

What is the greatest disadvantage of manually-prepared source documents? Discuss.


typo errors.

What is the importance of System Documentation?

-learning a system, studying existing system, proposing new system.

Describe the role and components of Document Flowchart.

Flow chart shows the processing steps.

Input, Process, Output, Control points

Prepare a Document Flowchart based on the following scenario:

“Reordering supplies requires a requisition request. When I need more stationery, for example, I fill out two copies of a goods requisition form (GRF). I send the first copy to central supplies and file the second copy here in the office.”

What is Database? What is Database Management System?

Database=organized collection of data for efficient management and effective control. DBMS = a software to manage the database and handles interaction with business applications.

Discuss the importance of Database to businesses.

-Valuable information




To be useful, the data in an organization’s databases must be stored efficiently and organized systematically. Discuss three important ideas along this line.

i. thedata hierarchy,

ii. record structures, and

iii. record keys

Briefly explain Computer Fraud

computer fraud as any illegal act for which knowledge of computer technology is essential f or its perpetration, investigation, or prosecution.

Describe examples of computer fraud

Unauthorized Theft, Use, Access, Modification, Copying, or Destruction of Software or Data .

Theft of Money by Altering Computer Records or the Theft o f Computer Time.

Discuss how to mitigate computer fraud

Assess Security Measures and Protect Passwords

Implement Controls

Identify Computer Criminals

What is the impact of E-Business to the accounting profession?

Accounting profession needs to recognize, participate and become active player in the electronic system that a company posses.

Discuss how EDI connects the businesses to their suppliers or customers.

Through electronic network. Set of predefined communication protocols. Diagram.

Discuss how Internet search benefits the businesses and consumers.


looking for sources

checking out competitors

getting feedback from customers


finding products

comparing products/prices

learn more about pros/cons of something

What is virus? How does it affect the businesses?

Malicious software that disturb/damage software/system.

Business may lose data, time, secrets.

Describe ways to protect computer systems from virus attacks.

use anti-virus.

don’t download files from unknown sender.

use usb drive with caution.

always scan for potential virus files.

Describe the typical stages of “program development”.






What is the objective of financial accounting information systems?

to provide relevant information to individuals and groups outside an organization’s boundaries—e.g., investors, federal and state tax agencies, and creditors.

Describe three important documents produced by Accounting Information System.

Balance Sheet,

Profit and Loss,

Cashflow statement.

Explain the concept behind REA accounting




List components of an AIS.

-software, hardware, data, procedures, people

Discuss six reasons why IT is important to accountants.

-compatibility, procumement, security, performance evaluation, business process, professional requirement

“Most accounting transactions are processed in a three-phase operation called the input-processing-output cycle”. Explain.

-input = get the required data

- process = compute the data to produce desired results

- output = presenting the rsult of processing.

List four attributes of a good quality information.

-timely, relevant, meaningful, complete

What is Decision Table? What is the purpose of preparing Decision Table?

- a table of conditions and processing tasks that i ndicates what action to take for each possibility. Sometimes, decision tables are used as an alternative to program flowcharts.

Provide a sample of Decision Table to support the following scenario:

“A credit union pays interest to its depositors at the rate of 5% per year. Accounts of less than $5 are not paid interest. Accounts of $1,000 or more that have been with the credit union for more than one year get paid the normal 5 percent, plus a bonus of. 5 percent”

What is Database? What is Database Management System?

Database=organized collection of data for efficient management and effective control. DBMS = a software to manage the database and handles interaction with business applications.

Discuss the importance of Database to businesses.

-Valuable information




Briefly explain Computer Abuse.

- the unauthorized use o f, or access to, a computer for purposes contraryto the wishes o f the computer’s owner.

Discuss the privacy issues and identity theft in the Internet environment.

- Cookies

- The Fair Employment Practices Guidelines.

- Privacy Policy on websites.

- dumpster diving, phising, smishing

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following application to the business.
a. Facebook.
b. Youtube.

Facebook: adv: marketing. Disadv: personal communication.

Youtube: adv: marketing. Disadv: time

Monday, January 2, 2012

Stages of E-Commerce activities

(Baca versi Melayu di sini)

E-Commerce activities can be classified as follows:
1. Communication.
2. Booking.
3. Payment
4. Delivery

1. Communication.
This is an early stage in which the organization starts to be involved in E-Commerce. Business organizations interact with target users at this stage. There are several motives as follows:

a. Disseminate information about the business or product.
Large companies often buy a domain name and publish web pages which can be accessed through that domain name. This method is called one-way communication; website visitors are expected to understand what is to be served.

b. Get feedback.
Companies also need feedback from visitors to strengthen its marketing activities. Therefore, some websites allow visitors to leave comments. Or at least, e-mail address is shown on the website for visitors to write to the company. This method is known as two-way communication.

c. Provides real-time interaction.
There are some matters that require customers to interact with company representatives in real time. Thus, there are also websites that provide chat application.

Today, there are many options for creating a business website. Companies can buy a domain name and pay for hosting service that provides web application like Joomla, Wordpress and others. Alternatively, companies can also subscribe free services like or

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The meaning of the word E-Commerce

The word E-Commerce (electronic commerce) refers to the buying and selling of goods or services through electronic networks and other activities related to these activities.

E-Commerce was first introduced during the 1970's via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). EDI services enable organizations to exchange information on business transactions. While EFT service is specifically for the exchange of financial information.

E-commerce grew rapidly during the 1990s when Tim Berners Lee introduced the World Wide Web (Web). Through the Web, virtual business concept emerged. For example, and have begun to use the Internet as their primary sales channel during this era.

E-Commerce activities can be classified into the following stages:
1. Communication.
2. Booking.
3. Payment.
4. Delivery.
(Read more about the E-Commerce level)