
Friday, November 14, 2008

Sample Code illustrating looping through a DAO recordset

This code is attached to a command button on a form. On the form are the fields txtProgress which displays various messages as well as lblStatus which displays a record count of the progress.

MSDN DAO Recordset: Recordset Operations

DAO Recordset: Recordset Operations

|  Overview |  How Do I |  FAQ |  Sample |  |  ODBC Driver List

This article discusses several key recordset operations, particularly those involving updating records. Topics covered include:

For related information about using recordsets, see the following articles:

Important   Your ability to update records requires that you have update permission for your database and that you have an updatable table-type or dynaset-type recordset. You can't update snapshot-type recordsets with the MFC DAO classes.

Comparison of DAO and ADO Recordset Syntax

How to use these examples

Because they are organized into functional topics and kept very short, none of the examples can stand alone. They won't run unless you combine them. A minimum program would need to use a combination of the "Opening", "Displaying" and "Closing" topics. You can cut and paste the short program topics into a working program. And you can copy and paste the data used in the examples from the table below

Monday, October 27, 2008

Google Chrome Clone Browser SRWare Iron

Whole blogospear was buzzing with the launch of Google Chrome Browser. However Google entering into Browser war was totally unexpected, it has created ditch like feeling after supporting open source Firefox and now launching its own browser.

There are several concern raised with Google Chrome Browser, one biggest concern among chrome users is Google Chrome Privacy Policy. With this privacy policy, Google gets enough power to get smallest details like which user is surfing what.

Google Chrome Browser is based on Chromium-Source which is open source project, SRWare has used this open source Chromium to build Iron browser which is a clone of Google Chrome and emulates exactly same features like Google Chrome.

Iron browser has disabled following tracking features

Client id – every Google Chrome Browser has unique client id to track users surfing habits, Google Suggest, Timestamp of installation, URL tracker, RLZ tracking, Chrome Updater Alternet Error Page and Error Reporting.

Another good thing about Iron Browser is, it uses latest version of Webkit 525.19.


DOWNLOAD Iron Browser, the Google Chrome Clone

DOWNLOAD PORTABLE Iron Browser, the Google Chrome Clone

DOWNLOAD SOURCE CODE for Iron Browser, the Google Chrome Clone 1 2 3 4

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Intro to MS Access DAO and ADO

At the end of this section you should understand the terms
  • RecordSource
  • Recordset
  • RecordsetClone
and how you can work with the underlying data of a form (read only) using the RecordsetClone and the use of the debug window.


In the Access 2003 help file read the entries for
  • RecordsetClone
  • RecordSource
  • Recordset (DAO)
  • Bookmark
  • Me object
  • FindFirst, FindNext, FindLast, FindPrevious methods
  • Balter pages 684 - 700 DAO Recordset properties and methods, the RecordsetClone property and Bookmarks, 721 - 724 using the immediate window
  • (for Access 2000 Balter pages 468-482 DAO Recordset properties and methods, the RecordsetClone property, Bookmarks page 501-2 immediate window)

Introduction - DAO and ADO

Background Reading (for interest only)

Balter pages 672 - 684
( Access 2000 Balter pages 430 - 468 Jennings Chapter 27, pages 1032 - 1082 )


Microsoft currently provide two different ways of accessing data (strictly interface definitions), Data Access Objects (DAO) and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). DAO was the only model in Visual Basic up to VB5 and in Access up to Access 97. With VB6 and from Access 2000, Microsoft have made both DAO and ADO available.

Microsoft have also made it clear that their intention is to move to ADO exclusively in the long term. Certain important products/environments such as ASP scripting using VB Script only support ADO and anyone planning to use Microsoft products long term should learn the use of ADO.

As stated below, a database created in Access 2003 uses DAO by default as does a database created in Access 97 but Access2000 uses ADO. So the default in the databases we have used so far, which were converted from Access 97.

For this reason, and because it is a bit simpler, the rest of this module will use DAO objects and methods to be consistent with the methods on the default objects created by Access.

Very Important - References

Access 2003 is set up so that when you create a database it expects you to use DAO to access data. You can see this as follows.

If you set up a new database in Access 2003 and then open the VBA IDE (either from a Form or a new Module) and then choose Tools, References from the Toolbar, you will get a window showing the places VBA will look for definitions of language methods etc. What you will see is

Native Access 2003 references - Data Access Objects (DAO) compliant but ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) also referenced 

Access2003 references - DAO

Native Access 2000 references - ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) compliant


References present in databases converted from Access 97 to Access 2000 format

If you create a database in Access 97 and then convert it to Access 2000 format and then look at the references here you will see

Access 97 created references

Both the references selected and the order in which they appear are important. The ones selected will be the only ones searched and they will be searched in the order given, so you see an Access 2000 created database will only look for ADO data manipulation, while an Access 97 database converted to Access 2000 will only look for DAO! If you add extra references and these lead to duplicate definitions then the first in the list will be used, so, if you had ADO 2.1 and DAO 3.6 in that order, since both contain definitions of the OpenDatabase method for Database objects, Access 2000 would use the ADO definition even though the DAO one was there. So it is no good just adding the DAO 3.6 to the end of the list!

Note that an Access2003 created database has both the DAO and ADO libraries selected (very dangerous) which means that DAO classes will be accessed first but, if you use a class which is defined for ADO only, that class will be used. Thus, if you think you are programming using ADO then any classes which are also defined for DAO will be created as DAO objects, while classes which are unique to ADO will be created as ADO objects, leading to impenetrable bugs.

Probably it is the most sensible to deselect (untick) the reference to the data access classes you don't intend to use.

The PROJCONT (and other) databases supplied with these notes originate from Access 97 databases and so have the DAO references and will execute the DAO code.

Very Important  If you create a database in Access 2000 and you want to write DAO code in it, you must change the references from the native Access 2000 list to the native Access 97 list as shown above - otherwise you will get a series of inexplicable and meaningless error messages as Access tries to execute the commands in their ADO form! 

If you create a database in Access2003 and intend to write data access VBA, you should unselect the library for the data access objects you don't intend to use.

File format

Microsoft has implemented (at least) 3 different file formats with different compatibilities

Access 97 can develop
Access2000 can develop
Access2003 can develop
Access97 format
Can convert (both ways) but not develop
Can convert (both ways) but not develop
Access2000 format
Yes (can also create)
Access2002-3 format

In this module we'll try to stick to Access2000 format files compatible with both Access200 and Access2003.


Underlying any data bound form there is a table or query which supplies the data displayed on the form. In VBA or Visual Basic terminology, this virtual table is called a Recordset. Recordsets can be free standing or, as in the case of Access forms (and Reports) properties of other objects. The contents of the Recordset are determined by the RecordSource property and you can change the Recordset by changing the Recordsource (or, as we will see later, by applying a Filter expression). You can work with a read-only copy of a Form's Recordset by referencing it's RecordsetClone property and you can perform actions (such as repositioning) on the RecordsetClone without changing the current position on the underlying data which determines what is being displayed.

If you want to match the position of the displayed data with that in the RecordsetClone, you can do this with the Bookmark properties of the two Recordsets by assigning the value of the Bookmark of the clone to Me.Bookmark (implicitly the Bookmark property of the recordset underlying the form).

The following is an extract from the Help entry for RecordsetClone. 

You can use the RecordsetClone property to refer to a form's Recordset object specified by the form's RecordSource property.


The RecordsetClone property setting is a copy of the underlying query or table specified by the form's RecordSource property. If a form is based on a query, for example, referring to the RecordsetClone property is the equivalent of cloning a Recordset object by using the same query. If you then apply a filter to the form, the Recordset object reflects the filtering. 
This property is available only by using Visual Basic and is read-only in all views. 

Practical Example

In this practical example you will see how to move through  the RecordsetClone and how to synchronise the underlying data with the operation being shown by using the Debug window.
  • Create a form based on the CUSTOMER table using the Form Wizard and call it frmCUSTOMERrecordsetclone
  • Put two buttons on the form and type into them the code below for the click events (here for Command10_Click and Command11_Click)
  • View the form and type G to show the immediate window - NB in Access 2003 the VBA IDE is a separate window and, so, the Immediate Window opens within this, not within the Access window (unlike Access 97), so you will have to swap between them to see what is going on.
  • Click each of the buttons. You will see with the first button the table data is displayed in the debug window but the data displayed is not changed while the second button displays the last row in the table after looping through the table

Option Compare Database 
Option Explicit

Private Sub Command10_Click()

With Me.RecordsetClone 
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark 
Do While Not .EOF 
    Debug.Print !Custno, !Customer 
End With

End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()

With Me.RecordsetClone 
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark

Do While Not .EOF 
    Debug.Print !Custno, !Customer 
    If Not .EOF Then 
        Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark 
        End If 
End With

End Sub

Commentary on Code

  • The With block sets up all the references (preceded with a .) inside the block refer to Me.RecordsetClone
  • .MoveFirst positions in the RecordsetClone at the first row
  • Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark synchronises the recordset underlying the data with the position in the RecordsetClone (ie at the first row)
  • The Do While loop executes as long as the program is not at the end of the RecordsetClone recordset (after the last row)
  • The Debug.Print prints each Customer Number and Customer name to the debug window
  • .MoveNext moves to the next row in RecordsetClone
  • Does exactly the same but synchronises the underlying data with the RecordsetClone each time through the loop, except when the RecordsetClone has gone past the last row, thus leaving the underlying data displaying the last row at the end of the loop
The form and debug immediate window will look like 

displayed formimmediate window

How to get HTML color codes

HTML colors are colors used in designing web pages, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors. Authors of web pages have a variety of options available for specifying colors for elements of web documents. Colors may be specified as an RGB triplet in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet); they may also be specified according to their common English names in some cases. Often a color tool or other graphics software is used to generate color values. (from wikipedia)

How to use Recordset Object in VBA

The benefits of Recordset Object has been explained earlier (refer  ). 

Read to learn the various ways of using Recordset Objects.

How to use CurrentProject object in VBA

Why You Should Use Recordsets and Object Orientation in VBA Instead of Arrays

When I starting working with VBA 4 years ago arrays were my best friends, they’re easy to use, easy to understand, and getting data to / from an Excel sheet is a piece of cake as cell (0, 1) can map nicely to array position 0, 1. However I’ve developed the opinion that arrays should be avoided in favour of other forms of data lists / collections.

What’s Wrong With Arrays
It’s not that arrays are particularly wrong, it’s more that in comparison to the alternatives they’re limited and frustrating to use and support;

·         Size declaration – You have to declare how big you’re array is going to be, even if you don’t know yet. This is a key limitation regardless of the fact you can ‘re-declare’ to increase the size.

·         No in-built sorting / filters / search functions. An array is an array, it doesn’t have any methods associated with it. It doesn’t even have it’s only object type.

·         It can only hold strings, numeric values, characters etc.

·         Moving through an array is arduous with large amounts of data and there’s no standard ‘structure’ an array must take (I can declare a 0 based array, a co-worker may declare a 1 based array, and there’s no standard slot for each piece of information etc)

So What are the Alternatives?
Instead of using arrays to store string and numerical values I’ve recently been using ADODB.recordsets (recordsets).

Recordsets are slightly more object oriented than arrays, as in essence they are collections of record objects, although they can be manipulated without even using or referring to the record object.

Benefits of Recordsets:
·         No size declaration, you can type myRecordset.AddNew to create a new record and populate it with values.

·         You define fields to specify what data is where, instead of having to remember which position in the array the address is you can just move to a record and use myRecordset.Fields(“myField”).value to retrieve it.

·         You also don’t have to iterate through a recordset to output the contents to a worksheet:

‘ Move to the beginning of the recordset

‘output the contents to a worksheet starting at cell A1

someWorksheet.Range(“A1”).value = myRecordset.GetRows()

·         They have inbuilt search functions

·         They’re easier to iterate over if you need to, or you can do bulk updates

·         The list goes on....

There are of course limitations to recordsets, they’re frustrating to work out at times, and can be counter intuitive, but I’ve found the benefits of having a more structured set of data are fantastic.

Add Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library 2.8 to your VBA references and have a play.

If you’ve declared a customer object and given that customer properties such as FirstName, LastName and CustomerID there’s no confusion on how to find that information.

If you combine that benefit with the use of the Collection object you make your code so much easier to understand, use and support.

Collections and object lists figure more in strongly typed object oriented languages such as C# than in VBA, but we can still take advantage of VBA’s generic collection object.

Dim c as New Collection
The more you object orient your code in VBA the more you’ll use collections, and the easier your life will become, you won’t have to pass around huge arrays and remember between procedures which attribute is where, as you’ll have strongly typed objects to work from and the re-use and quality of your code will vastly improve.

Overall object orientation is the best path to take for storing data, however, even the use of recordsets can drastically improve the speed, reliability, supportability and expandability of your code.

How to use App.Path in VBA

App.Path only works in Visual Basic, not VBA [Visual Basic for applications]. Use CurrentProject keyword for VBA.

CurrentProject object refers to the project for the current Microsoft Access project (.adp) or Access database (.mdb).

Getting the location to the current database using Access 2000/2002/2003...

'returns the database file name

'returns the database path

'returns the database path and the file name

Getting the location to the current database using Access 97...

'returns the database file name

'returns the database path

'returns the database path and the file name

'returns the directory that Access [msaccess.exe] is installed in

Thursday, October 23, 2008

10 Tips to Study Smart and Save Time

I recently got my marks back from University. My grade point average was a 4.2 out of a possible 4.5, resting between an A and a perfect A+. In itself, this isn’t an incredible achievement. But I managed to do this while spending only a fraction of the time studying than many of the people I knew.

Is it just natural talent? Perhaps. I’ve always had a knack for understanding concepts and learning new ideas. But I also believe the way I learned the information played a role. Instead of cramming last minute or memorizing details, I try to organize information in a way that makes it easier to recall.

This strategy of organization I label holistic learning. Holistic learning is simply the process of organizing information into webs, that interconnect ideas. Instead of forcing ideas into your skull, you focus on the relationships between information. Linking ideas together to see the whole, instead of just the parts.

Building an Understanding

Learning is a process similar to building a house. You aren’t fed the complete picture. Limitations on communication prevent the instantaneous transmission of knowledge. Instead you listen to lectures, read textbooks and take painstaking notes to try and comprehend a subject.

You are fed building supplies, bricks, mortar and glass. It is up to you to assemble the building. Unfortunately, most learning strategies fall into two basic types:

Memorization - Instead of building anything you simply stare at each brick for several minutes trying to record its position.
Formulas - This is the equivalent to being blind, fumbling around a new house. You can’t see the building itself but you learn to come up with simple rules to avoid walking into walls.
There is nothing particularly wrong with either of these strategies, assuming they aren’t your entire strategy. The human brain isn’t a computer so it can’t memorize infinite sums of knowledge without some form of structure. And formulas no longer work if the questions they are designed to solve change scope.

Learning Holistically

The alternative strategy is to focus on actually using the information you have to build something. This involves linking concepts together and compressing information so it fits in the bigger picture. Here are some ideas to get started:

Metaphor - Metaphors can allow you to quickly organize information by comparing a complex idea to a simple one. When you find relationships between information, come up with analogies to increase your understanding. Compare neurons with waves on a string. Make metaphors comparing parts of a brain with sections of your computer.
Use All Your Senses - Abstract ideas are difficult to memorize because they are far removed from our senses. Shift them closer by coming up with vivid pictures, feelings and images that relate information together. When I learned how to do a determinant of a matrix, I remembered the pattern by visualizing my hands moving through the numbers, one adding and one subtracting.
Teach It - Find someone who doesn’t understand the topic and teach it to them. This exercise forces you to organize. Spending five minutes explaining a concept can save you an hour of combined studying for the same effect.
Leave No Islands - When you read through a textbook, every piece of information should connect with something else you have learned. Fast learners do this automatically, but if you leave islands of information, you won’t be able to reach them during a test.
Test Your Mobility - A good way to know you haven’t linked enough is that you can’t move between concepts. Open up a word document and start explaining the subject you are working with. If you can’t jump between sections, referencing one idea to help explain another, you won’t be able to think through the connections during a test.
Find Patterns - Look for patterns in information. Information becomes easier to organize if you can identify broader patterns that are similar across different topics. The way a neuron fires has similarities to “if” statements in programming languages.
Build a Large Foundation - Reading lots and having a general understanding of many topics gives you a lot more flexibility in finding patterns and metaphors in new topics. The more you already know, the easier it is to learn.
Don’t Force - I don’t spend much time studying before exams. Forcing information during the last few days is incredibly inefficient. Instead try to slowly interlink ideas as they come to you so studying becomes a quick recap rather than a first attempt at learning.
Build Models - Models are simple concepts that aren’t true by themselves, but are useful for describing abstract ideas. Crystallizing one particular mental image or experience can create a model you can reference when trying to understand. When I was trying to tackle the concept of subspaces, I visualized a blue background with a red plane going through it. This isn’t an entirely accurate representation of what a subspace is, but it created a workable image for future ideas.
Learning is in Your Head - Having beautiful notes and a perfectly highlighted textbook doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the information in it. Your only goal is to understand the information so it will stick with you for assignments, tests and life. Don’t be afraid to get messy when scrawling out ideas on paper and connecting them in your head. Use notes and books as a medium for learning rather than an end result.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The IT tells everything about it!

Bukti Altantuya bersama Azilah, Sirul

SHAH ALAM 26 Ogos - Percikan darah pada sepasang selipar yang dijumpai dalam jip Suzuki Vitara dan penemuan beberapa barang peribadi Altantuya Shaariibuu membuktikan wanita Mongolia terbabit berada bersama Cif Inspektor Azilah Hadri dan Koperal Sirul Azhar Umar, sebelum dibunuh.

Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah berhujah di Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini bahawa terdapat bukti kukuh untuk menyokong keterangan mengikut keadaan bagi membuktikan elemen niat bersama seperti dinyatakan dalam pertuduhan.

Menurutnya, rekod transaksi telefon bimbit (panggilan suara) mahupun khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) jelas menunjukkan Azilah dan Sirul Azhar ada berkomunikasi dalam waktu yang penting itu.

''Begitu juga dengan transaksi penggunaan kad Touch' n Go ( P119) dan kad Smart Tag yang dijumpai dalam kenderaan pacuan empat roda Suzuki 1300 bernombor pendaftaran CAC 1883, jelas menunjukkan pergerakan Sirul.

source : utusan

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

24 Smart Tips

  • Be good to yourself.
    • Keep physically fit and rested.
  • Attitude is all-important.
    • Use positive affirmations: "I can pass American History."
    • Provide your own psychological edge, be it a positive attitude or a "lucky pen."
  • Be a chronic enthusiast!
  • Used textbooks may provide insights on a course.
  • Sit in the front row;
    • if you must sit toward the back of the room, lean forward.
    • Attentiveness and concentration increase markedly.
  • Don't miss the first and last minutes of class.
    • They are crucial — important announcements, questions on test, etc.
  • Use a variety of study techniques.
    • a. Tape chapters (find out if your textbook has companion pod cast chapters). Listen on way to school, work.
    • b. Use index cards for quick review.
    • Keep them simple. Throw your highlighter away!
    • Remember: frequent review takes facts from short-term memory to long-term memory — learning as opposed to cramming.
  • Study in short bursts.
    • (First and last facts are remembered best; therefore, it will accelerate learning.)
  • Review notes immediately after class.
    • Even for five minutes.
    • Something magical happens!
  • Review your notes out loud.
    • Read your chapters out loud.
  • Appearance raises grades.
    • Neatness counts.
    • Word processors are a plus.
    • If a handwritte assignment is acceptable, use erasable pen.
  • Don't waste time rereading.
    • Rely on "pen in hand" and SQ3R.
  • Test professors before they test you.
    • Ask questions about what kind of test to expect,
    • what material will be covered.
  • Become an expert test taker.
  • Go with initial hunches.
  • Stay with initial hunches.
  • Study according to your biological clock.
    • Are you "normal," a night owl, or an early bird?
  • Eliminate stress in your life.
  • EXERCISE is the best antidote.
  • Make extra credit mandatory.
  • Never miss a class.
    • This is considered mandatory by "A" students.
  • Be prepared to bail out.
    • Don't be afraid to drop a course that is not working for you., BUT be aware of all official dates to withdraw and any vital state legislative restrictions ( Texas has a limit on total number of W hours.)
  • Volunteer to edit a friend's paper.
    • Use it as a learning experience.
  • Study smart—not hard!
  • Time management skills and discipline pay off.
  • Stay mentally, physically and spiritually fit.


Friday, July 25, 2008

AIS2-0807 Assignment 1



The purpose of this report is to provide an introduction to system evaluation using a web-based application service (
This report includes the description of technology evaluation center, its services and its membership registration.



(click here to get your detailed evaluation criteria)

(Give some explanation on the benefit of this site to system development)

... system evaluation
... website
... software evaluation process
... benefits to system development



1) Prepared a WORD format document.
2) send your document to me via email
3) The SUBJECT TITLE shall be "AIS2-0807 TEC INTRO"
4) E-mail shall reach my inbox by 2nd August 2008, 9am

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Advanced Accounting Information System 0807


1. Accounting Information System And Organizational Structure

2. Computer-Based Accounting System

3. Ethics, Fraud

4. Internal Control

5. Data Modeling

6. Modeling Business Process

7. Enterprise Resource Planning System

8. E-Commerce System

9. Introduction To System Development And System Analysis

10. AIS Development Strategies

11. System Designs, Implementation And Operation

12. Controlling Computer-Based Information System 1

13. Controlling Computer-Based Information System 2

14. Information System Audit And Assurances

- All textbook materials in zip format (11.8Mb)

1. A report on system evaluation using a web-based evaluation system. (click here to get your detailed evaluation criteria)

Accounting Information System 0807


1. Introduction To Accounting Systems

2. Concepts And Fundamental Documentations In System Management

3. Overview Of Business Processes

4. Control And Accounting Information System

5. System Documentation Techniques

6. Revenue Cycle – Sales And Cash Collections

7. Expenditure Cycle – Purchasing And Cash Disbursements

8. Production Cycle

9. The Human Resources Management And Payroll Cycle

10. General Ledger And Reporting System

11. Introduction To E-Business

12. Relational Database

13. Computer-Based Information Systems Control

14. Computer Fraud And Security

Information Technology 0807


1. Introduction To IT (note)

2. Internet and WWW (note)

3. Software Applications (note)

4. Computer Hardware (note)

5. Input (note)

6. Output (note)

7. Storage (note)

8. System Software (note)

9. Communication (note)

10. Database (note)

11. Security and Ethics (note)

12. IS Development (note)

13. Programming (note)

14. Presentation & Revision (note)

Download all notes,

Friday, July 18, 2008

Get Started with WinWeb

Get Started with WinWeb:

1. Goto the URL

2. Click the caption "Free Accounting Software" located at the bottom right of the entry page for winweb. You'll be forwarded to the GetStarted page.

This file has been created and published by FireShot

3. Scroll down the page and locate the red button titled "Get Started". Click this button. You'll be forwarded to the login/register page.

This file has been created and published by FireShot

4. For the first-time user, click on the option "LiveNet with Accounting Software". Fill up the fields and click the button "register" when you are done.

This file has been created and published by FireShot

4. Successful registration

You will be sent a welcome e-mail and an e-mail to activate your account.

Click the link in the activation e-mail to enable your account and allow you to login.

On your subsequent visits please click the sign in button and then enter your email address and password.

This file has been created and published by FireShot

5. Click activation link

You will be receiving an e-mail that request you to click on the link provided.

This file has been created and published by FireShot

6. Registration processed is completed.

This file has been created and published by FireShot

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Web Publishing 0807

Web Publishing 0807

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ITC-0804 Activity 3

Visit and write a summary on the following terms:
1. Intel Xeon .
2. Hyper-threading Technology .
3. Vacuum tube .
4. History of computing hardware .
5. Von Neumann architecture .
6. Cache .
7. Base (Mathematics) .
8. PowerPC .
9. Reduced Instruction Set computer .
10. Transistor .
11. Integrated circuit .
12. Processor Register .
13. Interrupts .

Office Automation

Google Docs

Google Docs
is a free, Web-based word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation application offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users.


Documents, spreadsheets, and presentations can be created within the application itself, imported through the web interface, or sent via email. They can also be saved to the user's computer in a variety of formats. By default, they are saved to Google's servers. Open documents are automatically saved to prevent data loss, and a full revision history is automatically kept. Documents can be tagged and archived for organizational purposes.

Collaboration between users is also a feature of Google Docs. Documents can be shared, opened, and edited by multiple users at the same time. In the case of spreadsheets, users can be notified of changes to any specified regions via e-mail.

The application supports popular Office file types such as .doc or .xls. It also includes support for the OpenDocument format[2].

It is also possible to upload and share PDF files.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Desktop Buying Guide

Last Updated: 09/20/2007

The Basics: Desktop Computers

First-time computer buyers used to buy desktops for menial tasks like word processing, checking e-mail and Internet browsing, or managing checkbooks and recipes. It's become much simpler for the consumer to use their new computer as a multimedia machine, managing photos, music, and even movies with a DVD drive.

Dedicated game players will likely want a faster computer with more memory, but most entry-level computers (at entry-level prices) have enough speed, memory and storage to handle all these tasks. Powerful computers are becoming more affordable, and many budget models will let you burn CDs, run sophisticated operating systems and play the latest video games right out of the box.

It's never been easier or less expensive to buy a state-of-the-art personal computer. It wasn't long ago that computer manufacturers were striving to come up with a sub-$1,000 PC. For a while, there were even stripped-down, basic machines on the market for less than $500, though the poor profit margins on these systems have pretty much forced them from the market.

The winner here is, of course, you. Options for the PC buyer abound like never before. Keep in mind that "basic" is a very relative term. Even the most basic PCs these days provide features and performance that are astonishing.

How to Shop

Before you decide anything, decide how much you can spend. After that, take a look at what you want out of your computer -- is this the first home computer for you and your family? Will this be for your college-bound son or daughter for the next four years? Are you anticipating the newest game releases? The tasks you want to accomplish will dictate the specifications you need in your new computer.

Your choices begin just with the shape of the computer itself. For a cramped office or living space, small-form-factor (or SFF) computers are an easy solution. Their main disadvantage is that with a small cabinet, there are less expansion slots, and therefore less room for upgrading. There's still plenty of ports, however, and it's a perfect temporary solution for dorm rooms and LAN-party gamers, sometimes even equipped with handles for easy transport.

If space isn't a concern, a mid- or full-tower case ensures that you'll have the room to upgrade your computer for years to come. If space is really limited, the all-in-one case is a desktop built into a flat-panel monitor. It's just as limiting when it comes to expansion slots, but it takes up little to no space (and is pretty cool-looking).

Your options for processors can be confusing, with competition between AMD, Intel and Apple making it hard to tell which processor is best. Pay attention to the speed of the processor, measured in gigahertz (GHz), to know what you're paying for. Even budget-priced desktops should run near 1.4 GHz, and over 2 GHz if you have more money to spend.

If your budget is tight, scaling back on the processor might be the best way to lower the cost. The processor is the brain of your computer, and dictates how fast your applications will run, but most programs run just fine without the high clock speeds at the top of the market now.

The PC's main memory, where its operating system and programs are run, is called RAM (random access memory). RAM is relatively inexpensive, and operating systems and applications are becoming ever more memory-hungry. The minimum amount of RAM you should get is 256MB, but many PCs offer 512MB or even 1GB and over. More RAM is always better, as your applications will generally run faster with more RAM available, and Windows XP runs best on at least 512MB.

New computers often feature graphics cards that are "integrated," meaning they draw on the same memory as the rest of your applications to generate graphics. For most users, this is fine.

Those who need a desktop for graphically-intensive business programs, video editing, or the newest in video games, a discrete video card is better. These cards have their own pool of memory to draw from. The lion's share of upscale video cards are manufactured by ATI or NVIDIA, so look for one of those names if your graphics card is built-in to your new computer, and aim for the highest amount of discrete RAM that's affordable for you.

Traditional floppy drives are often optional features on new computers. Any manner of ROM drive is available for your desktop. Combination drives are included with many new models, able to read from CD and DVD, burn media to CD, or, if dealing with large amounts of files, burn to DVD and Double Layer DVD to exchange and transport large files and multimedia files. Consider how many media files you'll be using, and how large, and decide whether your computer will be doubling as a DVD player on occasion before making your choice.

Many desktops come with ports for both dial-up modem and an Ethernet connection already built-in to the back of your computer, so your computer is ready to connect anywhere. Ethernet cards are required for broadband Internet connections or connecting to networks (like at a college campus), so know beforehand how you'll be connected.

If you have more than one computer at home, adding wireless cards to each is a handy solution for home networking. Also behind your desktop, USB ports will allow you to connect to peripherals like digital cameras, portable music players and other devices to transfer files back and forth. Many desktops have FireWire ports, and while that technology isn't as ubiquitous as USB 2.0, you can transfer data back and forth even faster if your peripheral is FireWire-ready.

You should look for at least four USB slots, able to accommodate constant peripherals like printers and keyboards, and have room for recreational ones like digital cameras and music devices. Some models have USB ports in the front as well, making connections even more convenient.

The average desktop warranty will last one year for parts and labor. Some companies provide on-site service, and will send a technician to your home if a problem can't be fixed over the phone or online. Others require dropping it off at a local service center or shipping it directly to the manufacturer. If that's the case, find out who pays for shipping.

Many companies offer extensions on the warranty, sometimes up to three additional years, for an added cost. The decision of adding onto the warranty rests with you. Deciding factors can include: whether you are comfortable making repairs yourself (or letting a friend or relative do so), as well as how much you spent on the system.


Embedded video/audio
When video and audio are embedded, the sound and video cards are built onto the main board, rather than using plug-in cards. This allows the vendor to sell the computer for less, but can limit your options for future upgrades and expansion.

Hard disk
A hard disk is a device that uses rapidly spinning metal platters to store large amounts of data and programs. Hard disk storage is slower than the random access memory (RAM) in which programs are actually run, but has a much higher capacity, usually measured in gigabytes or GB (billions of bytes of data). Features to look for include size (bigger is better), rotational speed (from 4,200rpm to 7,200rpm--faster is better), and type of interface. The fastest interface right now is called Ultra ATA/133, though Ultra ATA/100 is also very fast.

Optical disk
In addition to hard and floppy disks drives, desktop computers usually come with at least one optical drive. This might be a read-only device, such as a standard CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, or a rewriteable drive, such as a CD-RW, DVD-RAM, or DVD-RW drive. Rewriteable drives let you store your files on discs and even burn your own music CDs.

Also called CPU (central processing unit). This is the heart of a computer. PCs that run a version of Windows will generally have an Intel Celeron or AMD Duron on the less expensive models, and an Intel Pentium III or 4 or AMD Athlon XP on the higher-end models. The clock speed determines how fast the processor (and computer) runs, and should be at least 900MHz. Faster clock speeds offer better performance. On the high-end, many Pentium III and Athlon processors run at 1.3GHz or faster, and Pentium 4 processors can run at 2.0GHz or faster. Apple Macs use a different type of processor, called a PowerPC, which generally runs just as well at a slower speed. A 700MHz PowerPC might give the same overall performance as a much faster Pentium III or Athlon processor.

Random access memory. RAM is made of semiconductor material and is the computer's main memory. Look for at least 128MB. More RAM usually lets you computer operate faster, so 256MB or even 512MB is better than 128MB.


Types of Computer Machine

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Accounting Ledger Paper

8.5" x 11" - 6 columns by 40 rows

11" x 8.5" - 9 columns by 28 rows

11" x 17" - 9 columns by 69 rows

17" x 11" - 13 columns by 40 rows

8.5" x 14" - 6 columns by 54 rows

8.5" x 11" - General Ledger

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mistakes in Assignment Report

Despite so many times of listening to my reminders, most of the students still commit the same mistakes. If your report consist of the following mistakes, it is less likely that your report be awarded A Grade:

1) No Table of contents
2) No References
3) No Assignment Questions (in Appendix)
4) No Draft Sheets (for Online Accounting Assignment)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Winweb - how to reset system data

During the learning process, it is common that you feel unhappy with the way you enter the data and you wish to undo everything and restart from scratch.

In relation to this, Winweb provides a way for you to reset the system.

First, go to the MySetting Menu (refer image 1). Then, click the menu label "Data Backup"

You'll see the following form (refer image 2). There is a button labeled as "reset". Pressing this button means instructing the system to empty itself as if you are starting a new application. While it is helpful to clear up the mess, be reminded that all previous data would be gone forever. It is advisable that you do the back up first before resetting the system

Winweb's MyAccounting Interface

MyAccounting Interface

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Programming Tool

A programming tool or software tool is a program or application that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications. The term usually refers to relatively simple programs that can be combined together to accomplish a task, much as one might use multiple hand tools to fix a physical object.


Prototyping is the process of quickly putting together a working model (a prototype) in order to test various aspects of a design, illustrate ideas or features and gather early user feedback. Prototyping is often treated as an integral part of the system design process, where it is believed to reduce project risk and cost. Often one or more prototypes are made in a process of iterative and incremental development where each prototype is influenced by the performance of previous designs, in this way problems or deficiencies in design can be corrected. When the prototype is sufficiently refined and meets the functionality, robustness, manufacturability and other design goals, the product is ready for production.

Software Validation and Verification

Verification ensures that the final product satisfies or matches the original design (low-level checking) — i.e., you built the product right. This is done through static testing.

Validation checks that the product design satisfies or fits the intended usage (high-level checking) — i.e., you built the right product. This is done through dynamic testing and other forms of review.

According to the Capability Maturity Model (CMMI-SW v1.1), “Validation - The process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements. [IEEE-STD-610] Verification- The process of evaluating software to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase. [IEEE-STD-610]."

In other words, verification is ensuring that the product has been built according to the requirements and design specifications, while validation ensures that the product actually meets the user's needs, and that the specifications were correct in the first place. Verification ensures that ‘you built it right’. Validation confirms that the product, as provided, will fulfill its intended use. Validation ensures that ‘you built the right thing’.

Software verification

Software verification is a broad and complex discipline of software engineering whose goal is to assure that software fully satisfies all the expected requirements.

Royce's Waterfall Model

The unmodified "waterfall model".  Progress flows from the top to the bottom, like a waterfall.
The unmodified "waterfall model". Progress flows from the top to the bottom, like a waterfall.

In Royce's original waterfall model, the following phases are followed in order:

  1. Requirements specification
  2. Design
  3. Construction (AKA implementation or coding)
  4. Integration
  5. Testing and debugging (AKA validation)
  6. Installation
  7. Maintenance

To follow the waterfall model, one proceeds from one phase to the next in a purely sequential manner. For example, one first completes requirements specification, which are set in stone. When the requirements are fully completed, one proceeds to design. The software in question is designed and a blueprint is drawn for implementers (coders) to follow — this design should be a plan for implementing the requirements given. When the design is fully completed, an implementation of that design is made by coders. Towards the later stages of this implementation phase, disparate software components produced by different teams are integrated. After the implementation and integration phases are complete, the software product is tested and debugged; any faults introduced in earlier phases are removed here. Then the software product is installed, and later maintained to introduce new functionality and remove bugs.

Thus the waterfall model maintains that one should move to a phase only when its preceding phase is completed and perfected. Phases of development in the waterfall model are discrete, and there is no jumping back and forth or overlap between them.

However, there are various modified waterfall models (including Royce's final model) that may include slight or major variations upon this process.

Typical CASE tools

Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) is the use of software tools to assist in the development and maintenance of software. Tools used to assist in this way are known as CASE Tools.

Some typical CASE tools are:

All aspects of the software development lifecycle can be supported by software tools, and so the use of tools from across the spectrum can, arguably, be described as CASE; from project management software through tools for business and functional analysis, system design, code storage, compilers, translation tools, test software, and so on.

However, it is the tools that are concerned with analysis and design, and with using design information to create parts (or all) of the software product, that are most frequently thought of as CASE tools. CASE applied, for instance, to a database software product, might normally involve:

  • Modelling business / real world processes and data flow
  • Development of data models in the form of entity-relationship diagrams
  • Development of process and function descriptions
  • Production of database creation SQL and stored procedures

Joint Requirements Development Sessions (JRD)

Joint Requirements Development Sessions (a.k.a., Requirement Workshops)

Requirements often have cross-functional implications that are unknown to individual stakeholders and often missed or incompletely defined during stakeholder interviews. These cross-functional implications can be elicited by conducting JRD sessions in a controlled environment, facilitated by a trained facilitator, wherein stakeholders participate in discussions to elicit requirements, analyze their details and uncover cross-functional implications. A dedicated scribe and Business Analyst should be present to document the discussion. Utilizing the skills of a trained facilitator to guide the discussion frees the Business Analyst to focus on the requirements definition process.

Stakeholders inhibit requirements gathering

Stakeholder issues

Steve McConnell, in his book Rapid Development, details a number of ways users can inhibit requirements gathering:

  • Users don't understand what they want or users don't have a clear idea of their requirements
  • Users won't commit to a set of written requirements
  • Users insist on new requirements after the cost and schedule have been fixed.
  • Communication with users is slow
  • Users often do not participate in reviews or are incapable of doing so.
  • Users are technically unsophisticated
  • Users don't understand the development process.
  • Users don't know about present technology.

This may lead to the situation where user requirements keep changing even when system or product development has been started.

Agile software development

Agile software development is a conceptual framework for software engineering that promotes development iterations throughout the life-cycle of the project.

There are many agile development methods; most minimize risk by developing software in short amounts of time. Software developed during one unit of time is referred to as an iteration, which may last from one to four weeks. Each iteration is an entire software project: including planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and documentation. An iteration may not add enough functionality to warrant releasing the product to market but the goal is to have an available release (without bugs) at the end of each iteration. At the end of each iteration, the team re-evaluates project priorities.

Agile methods emphasize face-to-face communication over written documents. Most agile teams are located in a single open office sometimes referred to as a bullpen. At a minimum, this includes programmers and their "customers" (customers define the product; they may be product managers, business analysts, or the clients). The office may include testers, interaction designers, technical writers, and managers.

Agile methods also emphasize working software as the primary measure of progress. Combined with the preference for face-to-face communication, agile methods produce very little written documentation relative to other methods. This has resulted in criticism of agile methods as being undisciplined.

Rapid application development (RAD)

Rapid application development (RAD), is a software development process developed initially by James Martin in 1991. The methodology involves iterative development, and the construction of prototypes. Traditionally the rapid application development approach involves compromises in usability, features, and/or execution speed. It is described as a process through which the development cycle of an application is expedited. Rapid Application Development thus enables quality products to be developed faster, saving valuable resources.

software crisis

The software crisis was a term used in the early days of software engineering, before it was a well-established subject. The term was used to describe the impact of rapid increases in computer power and the complexity of the problems which could be tackled. In essence, it refers to the difficulty of writing correct, understandable, and verifiable computer programs. The roots of the software crisis are complexity, expectations, and change.

Conflicting requirements have always hindered the software development process. For example, while users demand a large number of features, customers generally want to minimise the amount they must pay for the software and the time required for its development.

The term software crisis was coined by F. L. Bauer at the first NATO Software Engineering Conference in 1968 at Garmisch, Germany. An early use of the term is in Edsger Dijkstra's 1972 ACM Turing Award Lecture, "The Humble Programmer" (EWD340), published in the Communications of the ACM. Dijkstra states:

[The major cause of the software crisis is] that the machines have become several orders of magnitude more powerful! To put it quite bluntly: as long as there were no machines, programming was no problem at all; when we had a few weak computers, programming became a mild problem, and now we have gigantic computers, programming has become an equally gigantic problem.

Edsger Dijkstra, The Humble Programmer

The causes of the software crisis were linked to the overall complexity of the software process and the relative immaturity of software engineering as a profession. The crisis manifested itself in several ways:

  • Projects running over-budget.
  • Projects running over-time.
  • Software was of low quality.
  • Software often did not meet requirements.
  • Projects were unmanageable and code difficult to maintain.

Various processes and methodologies have been developed over the last few decades to "tame" the software crisis, with varying degrees of success. However, it is widely agreed that there is no "silver bullet" ― that is, no single approach which will prevent project overruns and failures in all cases. In general, software projects which are large, complicated, poorly-specified, and involve unfamiliar aspects, are still particularly vulnerable to large, unanticipated problems.
